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Quote Request

Our team is always available to provide a formal quote for any individual or business. Please fill out our quote request form and we will get back to you within 24 business hours with a formal itemized quote. Please include the manufacturer's part nu

Do I get a discount for being an educational facility?

Yes, please note your educational status (proof may be required if not from a .edu email) and we will provide a quote with educational pricing applied.

Does my quote expire?

All quotes are subject to change in the event of a price change. Typically quotes are valid for 30 days. If you need a quote submit a request for a quote here.

Do you offer a student discount?

Yes, we have a formal student discount program. However, if you are a student looking for something outside of that program, please note that in your quote request (student ID required) and we will apply an exclusive student discount.

Do you offer a bulk quantity discount?

Yes, please send us an email with part numbers and quantities and we will get back to you with a quote.